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Dudley Creek Health - Point of Care Facility

A point of care
facility for all your specialist needs

Where everyone is treated with respect and dignity
I reira ka whakawhiwhia nga tangata katoa ki te whakaute me te honore

Our Services

Hand Conditions - Dudley Creek Health


Trusted high quality patient centred health care service for hand, wrist and elbow injuries.

Hand Therapy - Dudley Creek Health


A wide range of hand therapy services for the rehabilitation of the upper limb.

Surgical Rooms - Dudley Creek Health


Surgical operating rooms, consultation rooms and seminar rooms available to hire.

Dudley Creek Health Reception
BeyondRadiology_logo_ForestGreen rgb.jpg
NIB Insurance
Southern Cross Affiliated Provider
Nova Finance


We found you communicate well with your patients, you were observed to treat them with respect, discuss their treatment appropriately and that the written information you provided them is comprehensive.
We were also pleased to see that you provide them with access to a very comprehensive web-based information service as well.
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